Friday, January 22, 2010

1059 - Mojo 52. Vernon Haddock's Jubilee Lovelies - Vernon Haddock's Jubilee Lovelies (1965)

Well I can't find this for love or money. If anyone knows of some way to get it let me know!


Unknown said...

Francisco....I have this album as I have the complete MOJO Collection as well as all the 1001 albums of all time..I'd be happy to get a copy to you....

Einar (and Cindy, now and then) said...

I have the Vernon Haddock's Jubilee Lovelies album - am about to burn a copy for my friends in Mule Britches, who need to hear it. Still interested? Einar

emmett said...

I do have a copy, but for the moment can only provide a scan of the cover. At some point I'll do a digital transfer of the music. Let me know if this is of any help!