Monday, January 14, 2008

463. Mötorhead - Ace Of Spades (1980)

Track Listing

1. Ace Of Spades
2. Love Me Like A Reptile
3. Shoot You In The Back
4. Live To Win
5. Fast And Loose
6. We Are The Road Crew
7. Fire Fire
8. Jailbait
9. Dance
10. Bite The Bullet
11. Chase Is Better Than The Catch
12. Hammer


ROCK! This is an album better known for its title track and for good reason, Ace Of Spades is one of the best Metal songs of all time, the rest of the album is unfortunately very similar to it. All songs sound a bit like Ace Of Spades without exactly getting there in the coolness factor.

This is not a major criticism of the album all in all I like it and Mötorhead in general, they are one of the least poserish of Metal bands, they are what they are naturally and there are few men sexier than Lemmy.

The songs are generally entertaining here and this isa rare occasion of a Metal album that is actually quite listenable and enjoyable. So a good album that lacks variety in its songs but still packs the right kind of metal punch, you could do much worse.

Track Highlights

1. Ace Of Spades
2. Shoot You In The Back
3. Jailbait
4. The Chase Is Better Than The Catch

Final Grade



From Wikipedia:

On Ace Of Spades:

For the lyrics, Lemmy said he "used gambling metaphors, mostly cards and dice - when it comes to that sort of thing, I'm more into the one-arm bandits actually, but you can't really sing about spinning fruit, and the wheels coming down"

Ahh Ace Of Spades is loved all over the world!, Tokyo Yankees and Hide And Pata from X-Japan :

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